Snapshot of Freo | Four hours in a port city
Stories on every corner, cannons firing, a moment in Australian rules football history, a UNESCO World Heritage site, one of Australia’s oldest markets and craft beer. You can cover a lot of ground in Fremantle in four hours. You’ll want to come back for more.
10 AM | Fremantle Prison
Park on Parry Street, look for the stairs that lead up to Fremantle Prison or walk around to Fairbairn Street Ramp. Entry to the main gatehouse area is free and includes prison gallery, convict depot and museum. Or book in for one of the prison tours.*
Facing west and heading down the Fairbairn Street ramp, you’ll see a sculpture depicting a group of convicts and pensioner guards on their arrival to Fremantle aboard convict transport ships.
Look for The Mark, a sculpture by Robert Hitchcock at the Parry Street roundabout. It recognises one of the most famous high-flying leaps made by John Gerovich in the 1956 WA National Football League preliminary final.
11.30 AM | Fremantle Markets
The entrances on Parry and William Streets lead you into the grocery and provedore section of the famous Fremantle Markets (open Friday-Sunday and Monday public holidays). The markets covers an entire city block and is one of the few markets in Australia that continues to be used for its original purpose. It’s a feast for the all the senses with fresh groceries,street food and groceries. Once into the hall discover purveyors of fashion, art, hats, jewelry and much more.
The southern entrance opens out onto South Terrace and the iconic Cappuccino Strip. Turn right and walk past the Sail & Anchor Hotel, home of a modern day craft beer revolution. The aromas of Fremantle’s European influences will hit your senses as you walk past Italian eateries. Time for lunch.
12.30 PM | West End and the Round House
South Terrace curves into Market Street and the West End Precinct, it’s one of the best preserved nineteenth century port city townscapes you’ll see with over 200 buildings making up one of the largest heritage areas listed in Western Australia.
The National Hotel at the corner of High Street and Market Street is a stunningly restored traditional Australian hotel and the unofficial entrance to the West End. Stop for a beer and check out the Staircase Gallery on the way up to the roof top bar. Returning to the ground floor and back to High Street head due West past some of Fremantle’s best high street shops.
Cross the railway line at the very end of High Street and make your way up the stairs to the Round House, Western Australia’s oldest building. Listen out for the firing of the cannon and time ball dropping at the Round House at 1 pm sharp before you head down the steps at the southern end of the lawn.
1.30 PM | Fishing Boat Harbour
Continue south through Fishing Boat Harbour and enjoy a well-earned pint of Little Creatures ale. If you have time take a pic with the Love Freo sculpture.
*Entry fees apply.