WA's Cultural Epicentre
Innovative and passionate creators of music, fashion, architecture, design, theatre, performance, writers and art bring a free-spirited, non-conformist worldview to Fremantle.
Art and culture are part of the fabric of Fremantle and the city inspires creatives from all disciplines; musicians, painters, sculptors, writers, performers and puppeteers.
Art galleries, artists studios and retail collectives can be found throughout the city’s streets in warehouses, shopfronts, cafes and imposing gothic buildings.
With top line-ups and international guests, music and arts festivals are part of the cultural tapestry of the town and nothing says “Fremantle” more than the colour, camaraderie and fun of the crowd at the annual Fremantle International Street Arts Festival.
Music fills the air and provides the soundtrack to the city. Exceptional musicians and live music can be heard on every street corner and wafting from concert venues, pubs and basement bars.
Street art makes a vibrant contribution to the colour, energy and atmosphere of the town. Take a selfie with giant angel wings or be blown-away by the creativity on display at the East West mural in South Fremantle. Street art lives here.
The city has inspired local fashion labels including Bobby and Olive, Megan Salmon, Bukeshla, ANJELMS and Ginger Morris.
The arts are well represented in the port city, Fremantle Theatre Company, Spare Parts Puppet Theatre, Fremantle Arts Centre, Circus WA, DADAA, Artsource, Fremantle Chamber Orchestra, PSAS, Kidogo Arthouse, Art on the Move, Fremantle Press and Fremantle Literature Centre are just some to call the city home.